The Misfit Heist: A Dark Comedy Short
In a city where crime is as common as pigeons, four bumbling misfits are about to discover that incompetence can be a superpower. Meet Vinnie “The Brain” Bianchi, whose schemes are as flawed as his grammar; Tiny Tim O’Brien, a gentle giant with a knack for unintended chaos; Glitch Greta, the tech expert still mastering her ancient computer; and Ziggy “The Ferret” Finch, whose kleptomania knows no bounds. Their target? The “Crown Jewels of the Animal Kingdom” at the Natural History Museum. But when their botched heist coincides with a real robbery, their accidental heroics thrust them into the limelight as the city’s newest crime-fighting sensation. Get ready for a laugh-out-loud adventure where ineptitude reigns supreme and the line between villain and hero is hilariously blurred.
Beth Curry, known for her gripping suspense thrillers and intricate mysteries, delights in finding humor even in the darkest places. She shares with you this dark short. Fans of her thrilling novels won’t have to wait long for more, as her two upcoming serious works, ”Autopsy of the Mind” and ”Dissection of the Soul” are set to release on September 1, 2024.